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The Way and The Truth and The Life...


To be saved we must first accept God’s plans and purposes for our lives. We have to empty our own “I” and fill it with Jesus Christ, accepting Him as Lord and Savior, asking Him for forgiveness for our sins and seeking to live a new life in Him.

“If you declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9)

Salvation is a free gift from God. It doesn’t come from our worthiness, or any other kind of action we might do before God. He simply chose to love us and give His Only Begotten Son to be born, grow, live and die for us. Jesus is the only way and the only door of access to God. His sacrifice gave us the opportunity to be children of God and be part of His Family.

But whether or not to accept Jesus is a very serious decision. In fact, it is the big decision that every man or woman will irrevocably have to make in their lifetime. And whatever your choice, know that it will bring you good or bad consequences not only in this life, but also for all eternity.

If today you are sure that you need Jesus Christ in your life, you can choose to follow him right now, saying a prayer of surrender to Him.

Open your heart and pray like this:

Lord Jesus, today I understand that I was wrong to live my life without You. And that’s why I’m saying this prayer, believing that the Lord is here listening to me. I ask forgiveness for everything I have done that may have saddened Your heart and I trust based on Your Love that You will forgive me. I accept Your grace for me and ask that You be my Lord. Please help me to believe in you more and more and allow me to love you every day of my life. I ask you to be worthy to show the world how great the Lord is and how great is His love. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Congratulations! If you prayed this prayer, having a sincere and repentant heart for Jesus Christ, you are already part of the Great Family of God. Come and learn more about the Kingdom of God through the “Bible Studies” given weekly on our Blog.

If you prefer, send us an email telling us about your conversion experience to Jesus Christ. It will be a great joy to be able to know everything that God has already done in your life.

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